Gardening BLOG
Saving the Monarchs One Butterfly at a Time🦋
There are easy actions we can take to help Monarch butterflies in San Carlos Community Garden and our homes. Read tips by our Monarch expert, Mairs Ryan.
Cultivating Connections: Interview with “Mr. Tomato” and SCCG gardener, Alan Comstock
If you hear instrumental guitar notes wafting through the air, there’s a good chance this gardener is around tending to his passion. We are delighted to highlight Alan Comstock for March 2024 Cultivating Connections.
Winter Gardening: Here’s What You Should Be Doing in January!
Here’s What You Should Be Doing in January!
By April Lowe
It’s Winter!! Not that you can tell by the warm weather we’ve been having but the nighttime temps are slowly dropping. I smell wood smoke in the air from my neighbors fireplaces regularly. Speaking of neighbors, have you ever envied a lush wildflower display in the Spring only to find that you are too late to plant?
Well this is your time right now! It is the perfect time to scatter California Poppy Seeds, Nasturtiums, Red Flax, Bachelor Buttons and lots of other Spring to early Summer seeds for an extra shot of color in your yards or beds when nothing else is blooming. Another best practice would be to prep your area by watering and lightly cultivating the soil for one or two weeks and pulling any newly geminated weeds before setting seed. This will help you be able to identify what is a weed and what is a wildflower when they start to come up. Once you’ve done your prep, just sprinkle the seeds into the lightly cultivated soil and wait for Mother Nature to do the rest. Keep an eye on the forecast for any rain and sprinkle your seeds the night before. If no rain, lightly water in after sowing and keep damp until germination.
So get your space ready, get your seeds and get planting!! You can also refer to the San Diego County Master Gardener’s link below for more tips on winter gardening.