Join the Fun

Become a Garden Member Today!

Membership means you become part of a vital and diverse group of caring neighbors who recognize the difference San Carlos Community Garden makes in the community.

The Annual Garden Membership fee offers these year-round benefits:

Free attendance to SCCG’s monthly Garden Education Workshops (up to a $100 value)

  • Exclusive access and discounts to SCCG events and programs

  • Use of SCCG Garden Resource Library

  • Use of SCCG’s Seed Stash

  • Support of Good Shepherd Pantry helping East County families

  • Support children with special needs attending our joint-use school partner, The Sierra School of San Diego

  • Opportunity to host an SCCG Volunteer Event

Every year

To be a member of San Carlos Community Garden is to join hands with neighbors, sowing seeds of friendship and reaping the harvest of shared joy, growth, and abundance.